// Function to initialise Isso.
function initIsso() {
// Get the div that will contain the comments.
const commentsDiv = document.querySelector('.comments');
if (commentsDiv) {
// Get the lazy-loading setting from the div.
const lazyLoading = commentsDiv.getAttribute('data-lazy-loading') === 'true';
// If lazy-loading is enabled, create an Intersection Observer and use it.
if (lazyLoading) {
const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
// Loop over the entries.
entries.forEach((entry) => {
// If the element is in the viewport, initialize Isso.
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
// Once the Isso is loaded, we don't need to observe the element anymore.
// Start observing the comments div.
} else {
// If lazy-loading is not enabled, initialise Isso immediately.
// Function to load Isso.
function loadIsso(commentsDiv) {
// Get the various settings from data attributes on the div.
const endpointUrl = commentsDiv.getAttribute('data-endpoint-url');
const pageId = commentsDiv.getAttribute('data-isso-id');
const title = commentsDiv.getAttribute('data-title');
const lang = commentsDiv.getAttribute('data-page-language');
const maxCommentsTop = commentsDiv.getAttribute('data-max-comments-top');
const maxCommentsNested = commentsDiv.getAttribute('data-max-comments-nested');
const avatar = commentsDiv.getAttribute('data-avatar');
const voting = commentsDiv.getAttribute('data-voting');
const hashes = commentsDiv.getAttribute('data-page-author-hashes');
// Create a new script tag that will load the Isso script.
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = endpointUrl + 'js/embed.min.js';
script.async = true;
// Set the various settings as data attributes on the script tag.
script.setAttribute('data-isso', endpointUrl);
script.setAttribute('data-isso-lang', lang);
script.setAttribute('data-isso-max-comments-top', maxCommentsTop);
script.setAttribute('data-isso-max-comments-nested', maxCommentsNested);
script.setAttribute('data-isso-avatar', avatar);
script.setAttribute('data-isso-vote', voting);
script.setAttribute('data-isso-page-author-hashes', hashes);
script.setAttribute('data-isso-css', 'false');
// Set the id and data-isso-id of the Isso thread.
const section = document.createElement('section');
section.id = 'isso-thread';
section.setAttribute('data-isso-id', pageId);
section.setAttribute('data-title', title);
// Add the script tag to the div.
// Create a link tag for the Isso CSS.
const link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.href = '/isso.min.css';
// Add the CSS link tag to the head of the document.
// Initialize Isso.