🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
{%- import "macros/translate.html" as macros_translate -%}
{#- Load the internationalisation data -#}
{%- set language_strings = load_data(path="i18n/" ~ lang ~ '.toml', required=false) -%}
{%- if not language_strings -%}
{%- set language_strings = load_data(path="themes/tabi/i18n/" ~ lang ~ ".toml", required=false) -%}
{%- endif -%}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="{{ get_url(path='/feed_style.xsl', trailing_slash=false) | safe }}" type="text/xsl"?>
<feed xmlns= "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:base= "http://purl.org/atompub/base/1.0/" xml:lang= "{{ lang }}" xml:base= "{{ config.base_url }}" >
<str:translations xmlns:str= "https://github.com/welpo/tabi" >
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
<str:about_feeds >
{{- macros_translate::translate(key="about_feeds", default="This is a web feed, also known as an Atom feed. Subscribe by copying the URL from the address bar into your newsreader", language_strings=language_strings) -}}
<str:visit_the_site >
{{- macros_translate::translate(key="visit_the_site", default="Visit website", language_strings=language_strings) -}}
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
<str:recent_posts >
{{- macros_translate::translate(key="recent_posts", default="Recent posts", language_strings=language_strings) -}}
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
{#- Load extra CSS (skin) if set in config.toml -#}
{%- if config.extra.skin and config.extra.skin != "teal" -%}
<link rel= "extra-stylesheet" href= "{{ get_url(path='skins/' ~ config.extra.skin ~ '.css', cachebust=true) | safe }}" />
{%- endif -%}
<title > {{ config.title | striptags | safe }}
{%- if term %} - {{ term.name }}
{%- elif section.title %} - {{ section.title }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if config.description %}
<subtitle > {{ config.description }}</subtitle>
{%- endif %}
<link href= "{{ feed_url | safe }}" rel= "self" type= "application/atom+xml" />
<link href= "
{%- if section -%}
{{ section.permalink | escape_xml | safe }}
{%- else -%}
{{ get_url(path="/", lang=lang) | escape_xml | safe }}
{%- endif -%}
<generator uri= "https://www.getzola.org/" > Zola</generator>
<updated > {{ last_updated | date(format="%+") }}</updated>
<id > {{ feed_url | safe }}</id>
{%- for page in pages %}
<entry xml:lang= "{{ page.lang }}" >
<title > {{ page.title }}</title>
<published > {{ page.date | date(format="%+") }}</published>
<updated > {{ page.updated | default(value=page.date) | date(format="%+") }}</updated>
<author >
<name >
{%- if page.authors -%}
{{ page.authors[0] }}
{%- elif config.author -%}
{{ config.author }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
<link rel= "alternate" href= "{{ page.permalink | safe }}" type= "text/html" />
<id > {{ page.permalink | safe }}</id>
{% if config.extra.full_content_in_feed %}
<content type= "html" > {{ page.content }}</content>
{% endif -%}
{% if page.summary -%}
<summary type= "html" > {{ page.summary | striptags | safe | trim_end_matches(pat=".") }}…</summary>
{% elif page.description -%}
<summary type= "html" > {{ page.description | striptags | safe }}</summary>
{% endif -%}
{%- endfor %}