🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
# This has been machine translated.
# If you would like to help correct errors or improve the translation,
# please open an issue or submit a pull request.
# https://github.com/welpo/tabi
# Note on pluralization prefixes:
# - few_: for numbers ending in 2-4, except 12-14, in genitive singular.
# - many_: for all others, including 5-9, 0, and teens (11-14), in genitive plural.
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
language_name = "Українська" # Shown in language picker for multi-language sites.
date_locale = "uk_UA"
full-stop = "." # Used at the end of a sentence.
# Menu items.
# Should match the names in config.extra.menu and config.extra.footer_menu.
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
blog = "блог"
archive = "архів"
tags = "теги"
projects = "проєкти"
about = "про мене"
contact = "контакт"
privacy = "політика конфіденційності"
site_statistics = "статистика сайту"
sitemap = "карта сайту"
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
# Search.
search = "Пошук"
search_icon_title = "Натисніть а б о використовуйте $SHORTCUT, щоб відкрити пошук" # $SHORTCUT will be replaced with the actual keyboard shortcut.
clear_search = "Очистити пошук" # Title of the X icon next to search input.
zero_results = "Немає результатів"
one_results = "$NUMBER результат"
few_results = "$NUMBER результати"
many_results = "$NUMBER результатів"
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
# Navigation.
read_more = "Читати далі"
one_posts = "$NUMBER пост"
few_posts = "$NUMBER пости" # 2, 3, 4 but not 12-14
many_posts = "$NUMBER постів" # 5-9, 0, 11-14, and others
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
prev = "Попер." # As in "Previous" page.
next = "Наст." # As in "Next" page.
of = "з" # E.g. Page 1 "of" 3
all_posts = "В с і пости"
all_tags = "В с і теги"
all_projects = "У с і проекти"
featured_projects = "Обрані проекти"
language_selection = "Вибір мови"
toggle_mode = "Перемкнути в режим $MODE" # $MODE will be replaced by a value (or both) below.
dark = "темний"
light = "світлий"
reset_mode = "Скинути режим до типових налаштувань сайту"
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
# Quick navigation buttons.
toggle_toc = "Показати/Сховати зміст"
go_to_top = "Перейти на початок сторінки"
go_to_comments = "Перейти до коментарів"
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
# Post metadata.
by_author = "Від $AUTHOR" # $AUTHOR will be replaced by the author(s).
author_separator = ", " # For multiple authors. Ensure spacing where necessary.
author_conjunction = " і " # For multiple authors. Ensure spacing where necessary.
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
draft = "ЧЕРНЕТКА"
zero_min_read = "<1 хв. читання"
one_min_read = "$NUMBER хв. читання"
few_min_read = "$NUMBER хв. читання" # 2, 3, 4 but not 12-14
many_min_read = "$NUMBER хв. читання" # 5-9, 0, 11-14, and others
zero_words = "Без слів"
one_words = "$NUMBER слово"
few_words = "$NUMBER слова" # 2, 3, 4 but not 12-14
many_words = "$NUMBER слів" # 5-9, 0, 11-14, and others
last_updated_on = "Оновлено $DATE"
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
see_changes = "Переглянути зміни"
# Post body.
table_of_contents = "Зміст"
load_comments = "Завантажити коментарі"
# Copy code block button.
copied = "Скопійовано!"
copy_code_to_clipboard = "Копіювати код у буфер обміну"
🌐 feat(i18n): overhaul translation system & add languages (#145)
Revamp the existing translation system, simplifying
management and adding several new languages. The new system reads from
TOML files in the `/i18n` directory and improves template structures.
It also enhances customisation options and robustness by providing
fallbacks and modularity.
- Implement a new, streamlined translation macro.
- Load translations from `/i18n` TOML files.
- Remove redundant configuration requirements.
- Refactor templates to align with new i18n system.
- Add support for Hindi, Japanese, Russian, Portuguese, Chinese,
Italian, German, Ukranian, Korean, and French languages.
- Credit Thomas Weitzel (@thomasweitzel) for inspiration.
1 year ago
# Footer: Powered by Zola and tabi.
powered_by = "Під управлінням"
and = "та"
site_source = "Вихідний код сайту"
# 404 error.
# https://welpo.github.io/tabi/404.html
page_missing = "Сторінка, яку ви запитуєте, відсутня"
translation_missing = "а б о ще не перекладена на вашу мову"
check_url = "Перевірте URL на помилки а б о "
go_home = "поверніться на головну сторінку"
# For multilingual quote shortcode.
# https://welpo.github.io/tabi/blog/shortcodes/#multilingual-quotes
show_original_quote = "Показати оригінальну цитату"
show_translation = "Показати переклад"
open_quotation_mark = "«"
close_quotation_mark = "»"
# Translations for stylised Atom feed.
# https://welpo.github.io/tabi/atom.xml
# Must contain "About Feeds"; it will become a link.
about_feeds = "Це веб-канал, також відомий як Atom-канал. Щоб підписатися, скопіюйте URL з адресного рядка у ваш RSS-читач. Відвідайте About Feeds для додаткової інформації та початку використання."
visit_the_site = "Відвідати веб-сайт"
recent_posts = "Останні пости"