You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

94 lines
3.4 KiB

language_name = "繁體中文" # Shown in language picker for multi-language sites.
date_locale = "zh_TW"
full_stop = "。" # Used at the end of a sentence.
# Menu items.
# Should match the names in and config.extra.footer_menu.
blog = "網誌"
archive = "歸檔"
tags = "標籤"
projects = "專案"
about = "關於"
contact = "聯絡方式" # Machine translated.
privacy = "隱私政策" # Machine translated.
site_statistics = "網站統計" # Machine translated.
sitemap = "網站地圖" # Machine translated.
# Search.
search = "搜尋"
search_icon_title = "點擊或按 $SHORTCUT 來開啟搜尋" # $SHORTCUT will be replaced with the actual keyboard shortcut.
clear_search = "清除搜尋" # Title of the X icon next to search input.
zero_results = "沒有找到結果"
one_results = "$NUMBER 個結果"
many_results = "$NUMBER 個結果"
# Navigation.
read_more = "閱讀全文"
one_posts = "$NUMBER 篇文章"
many_posts = "$NUMBER 篇文章"
prev = "上一頁" # As in "Previous" page.
next = "下一頁" # As in "Next" page.
of = "/" # E.g. Page 1 "of" 3
all_posts = "所有文章"
all_tags = "所有標籤"
all_projects = "所有項目" # Machine translated.
featured_projects = "精選項目" # Machine translated.
language_selection = "語言選擇" # Machine translated.
toggle_mode = "切換到$MODE模式" # $MODE will be replaced by a value (or both) below. Machine translated.
dark = "暗" # Machine translated.
light = "亮" # Machine translated.
reset_mode = "將模式重置為網站默認值" # Machine translated.
# Quick navigation buttons.
toggle_toc = "切換目錄" # Machine translated.
go_to_top = "返回頁面頂部" # Machine translated.
go_to_comments = "轉到評論區" # Machine translated.
# Post metadata.
by_author = "由$AUTHOR" # $AUTHOR will be replaced by the author(s).
author_separator = "、" # For multiple authors. Ensure spacing where necessary.
author_conjunction = "和" # For multiple authors. Ensure spacing where necessary.
draft = "草稿"
zero_min_read = "少於1分鐘閱讀"
one_min_read = "$NUMBER 分鐘閱讀"
many_min_read = "$NUMBER 分鐘閱讀"
zero_words = "沒有字"
one_words = "$NUMBER 字"
many_words = "$NUMBER 字"
last_updated_on = "更新於 $DATE"
see_changes = "修改紀錄"
# Post body.
table_of_contents = "目錄"
load_comments = "載入留言"
# Copy code block button.
copied = "已复制!" # Machine translated.
copy_code_to_clipboard = "复制代码到剪贴板" # Machine translated.
# Footer: Powered by Zola and tabi.
powered_by = "網站基於"
and = "和"
site_source = "查看原始碼"
# 404 error.
page_missing = "您請求的頁面不存在"
translation_missing = "或尚未被翻譯成繁體中文"
check_url = "請檢查網址是否有誤或"
go_home = "返回首頁"
# For multilingual quote shortcode.
show_original_quote = "顯示原文"
show_translation = "顯示翻譯"
open_quotation_mark = "「"
close_quotation_mark = "」"
# Translations for stylised Atom feed.
# Must contain "About Feeds"; it will become a link.
about_feeds = "這是Web Feed又稱為Atom Feed把現在的網址複製到新聞閱讀器即可訂閱本站文章。造訪「About Feeds」來了解更多資訊。"
visit_the_site = "造訪網站"
recent_posts = "近期文章"