You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

265 lines
10 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is run by git before a commit is made. #
# To use it, copy it to .git/hooks/pre-commit and make it executable. #
# Alternatively, run the following command from the root of the repo: #
# git config core.hooksPath .githooks #
# #
# Updates the "updated" field in the front matter of .md files. #
# Compresses PNG files with either oxipng or optipng if available. #
# Runs subset_font if config.toml has been modified. #
# Updates the README if the line numbers for the language section have changed. #
# #
# Stops you from commiting: #
# - a draft .md file #
# - a file with a "TODO" #
# - a JS file without a minified version #
# - a minified JS file that isn't as small as it can be #
# - a config.toml and theme.toml with different amounts of lines in [extra] #
# Function to exit the script with an error message.
function error_exit() {
echo "ERROR: $1" >&2
exit "${2:-1}"
# Function to extract the date from the front matter.
function extract_date() {
local file="$1"
local field="$2"
grep -m 1 "^$field =" "$file" | sed -e "s/$field = //" -e 's/ *$//'
# Function to check if the .md file is a draft.
function is_draft() {
local file="$1"
awk '/^\+\+\+$/,/^\+\+\+$/ { if(/draft = true/) exit 0 } END { exit 1 }' "$file"
# Check if the file contains "TODO".
function contains_todo() {
local file="$1"
grep -q "TODO" "$file"
# Check for changes outside of the front matter.
function has_body_changes() {
local file="$1"
local in_front_matter=1
local triple_plus_count=0
diff_output=$(git diff --unified=999 --cached --output-indicator-new='%' --output-indicator-old='&' "$file")
while read -r line; do
if [[ "$line" =~ ^\+\+\+$ ]]; then
triple_plus_count=$((triple_plus_count + 1))
if [[ $triple_plus_count -eq 2 ]]; then
elif [[ $in_front_matter -eq 0 ]]; then
if [[ "$line" =~ ^[\%\&] ]]; then
return 0
done <<< "$diff_output"
return 1
# Function to update the social media card for a post or section.
function generate_and_commit_card {
local file=$1
social_media_card=$(social-cards-zola -o static/img/social_cards -b -u -p -i "$file") || {
echo "Failed to update social media card for $file"
exit 1
git add "$social_media_card" || {
echo "Failed to add social media card $social_media_card"
exit 1
git add "$file" || {
echo "Failed to add $file"
exit 1
function has_minified_version() {
local file="$1"
local extension="${file##*.}"
local minified_file="${file%.*}.min.$extension"
[ -f "$minified_file" ]
function is_minified() {
local file="$1"
# Original file size.
local original_size=$(wc -c < "$file")
# File size after compression with terser.
local terser_size=$(terser --compress --mangle -- "$file" | wc -c)
# File size after compression with uglifyjs.
local uglifyjs_size=$(uglifyjs --compress --mangle -- "$file" | wc -c)
# Check if the file is already as small as or smaller than both minified versions.
if (( original_size <= terser_size && original_size <= uglifyjs_size )); then
return 0
# If the file isn't as small as it can be, suggest the better compressor in the error message
if (( terser_size < uglifyjs_size )); then
error_exit "Minified JS file $file isn't as small as it can be! Try using terser for better compression."
error_exit "Minified JS file $file isn't as small as it can be! Try using uglifyjs for better compression."
# Check if the script is being run from the root of the repo.
if [[ ! $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) == $(pwd) ]]; then
error_exit "This script must be run from the root of the repo."
# Check if oxipng is installed.
if command -v oxipng &> /dev/null; then
png_compressor="oxipng -o max"
elif command -v optipng &> /dev/null; then
png_compressor="optipng -o 7"
# Compress PNG files with either oxipng or optipng if available. #
# Update the "updated" field in the front matter of .md files. #
# #
# Ensure the [extra] section from config.toml and theme.toml #
# have the same amount of lines. #
# Ensure JavaScript files are minified. #
# Get the newly added and modified files.
all_changed_files=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=AM)
# Loop through all newly added or modified files.
for file in $all_changed_files; do
# Ignore this script.
if [[ "$file" == "$0" ]]; then
# If the file is a PNG and png_compressor is set, compress it and add it to the commit.
if [[ "$file" == *.png ]] && [[ -n "$png_compressor" ]]; then
$png_compressor "$file" || error_exit "Failed to compress PNG file $file"
git add --force "$file" || error_exit "Failed to add compressed PNG file $file"
# If the file contains "TODO", abort the commit.
if contains_todo "$file"; then
error_exit "File $file contains TODO! Remove or complete the TODO before committing."
# If the file is a JS file and it doesn't have a minified version, abort the commit.
if [[ "$file" == *.js ]] && [[ "$file" != *.min.js ]] && ! has_minified_version "$file"; then
error_exit "JS file $file doesn't have a minified version!"
# If the file is a minified JS file and it isn't as small as it can be, abort the commit.
# Error message shows which minifier is best for the file.
if [[ "$file" == *.min.js ]]; then
is_minified "$file"
# Ensure the [extra] section from config.toml and theme.toml have the same amount of lines.
if [[ "$file" == "config.toml" ]] || [[ "$file" == "theme.toml" ]]; then
# Get the line number where [extra] starts in config.toml.
extra_line_config=$(grep -n "^\[extra\]$" "config.toml" | cut -d: -f1)
# Get the line number where [extra] starts in theme.toml.
extra_line_theme=$(grep -n "^\[extra\]$" "theme.toml" | cut -d: -f1)
# Get the number of lines in the [extra] section in config.toml.
extra_lines_config=$(tail -n +"$extra_line_config" "config.toml" | wc -l)
# Get the number of lines in the [extra] section in theme.toml.
extra_lines_theme=$(tail -n +"$extra_line_theme" "theme.toml" | wc -l)
# Abort the commit if the number of lines in the [extra] section don't match.
if [[ "$extra_lines_config" -ne "$extra_lines_theme" ]]; then
error_exit "The [extra] section in config.toml and theme.toml don't have the same amount of lines!"
# Get the modified .md to update the "updated" field in the front matter.
modified_md_files=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=M | grep -E '\.md$' | grep -v '$')
# Loop through each modified .md file.
for file in $modified_md_files; do
# If the file is an .md file and it's a draft, abort the commit.
if is_draft "$file"; then
error_exit "Draft file $file is being committed!"
# If changes are only in the front matter, skip the file.
if ! has_body_changes "$file"; then
# Modify the "updated" date, if necessary.
# Get the last modified date from the filesystem.
last_modified_date=$(date -r "$file" +'%Y-%m-%d')
# Extract the "date" field from the front matter.
date_value=$(extract_date "$file" "date")
# Skip the file if the last modified date is the same as the "date" field.
if [[ "$last_modified_date" == "$date_value" ]]; then
# Update the "updated" field with the last modified date.
# If the "updated" field doesn't exist, create it below the "date" field.
if ! awk -v date_line="$last_modified_date" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=" = "; first = 1} {
if (/^date =/ && first) {
print; getline;
if (!/^updated =/) print "updated" OFS date_line;
if (/^updated =/ && !first) gsub(/[^ ]*$/, date_line, $2);
}' "$file" > "${file}.tmp"
error_exit "Failed to process $file with AWK"
mv "${file}.tmp" "$file" || error_exit "Failed to overwrite $file with updated content"
# Stage the changes.
git add "$file"
# Use `social-cards-zola` to create/update the social media card for Markdown files.
# See for context.
# Use parallel to create the social media cards in parallel and commit them.
echo "$modified_md_files" | parallel -j 8 generate_and_commit_card
# Run subset_font if config.toml has been modified. #
# #
if git diff --cached --name-only | grep -q "config.toml"; then
echo "config.toml modified. Running subset_font…"
# Call the subset_font script.
~/bin/subset_font -c config.toml -f static/fonts/Inter4.woff2 -o static/
# Add the generated subset.css file to the commit.
git add static/custom_subset.css