// WARNING! This skin, in light theme, may not provide optimal contrast for readability // and might not be suitable for users with certain types of visual impairment. // Furthermore, low contrast will affect your Google Lighthouse rating. // For more information on web accessibility: https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/contrast-minimum.html @mixin theme-variables($theme) { @if $theme =='light' { --primary-color: #ee59d2; // Contrast ratio: 3:1. Not very accessible. } @else if $theme == 'dark' { --primary-color: #f49ee9; // Contrast ratio: 9.87:1. Accessible. } } :root { @include theme-variables('light'); } [data-theme='dark'] { @include theme-variables('dark'); } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root:not([data-theme='light']) { @include theme-variables('dark'); } }