{%- set relative_path = page.relative_path -%} {%- set repository_url = config.extra.remote_repository_url | trim_end_matches(pat='/') -%} {%- set branch = config.extra.remote_repository_branch | default(value="main") -%} {%- set git_platform = config.extra.remote_repository_git_platform | default(value="auto") -%} {# Auto-detect the git platform based on the URL#} {%- if git_platform == "auto" %} {%- if repository_url is containing("github.") -%} {%- set git_platform = "github" -%} {%- elif repository_url is containing("gitlab.") -%} {%- set git_platform = "gitlab" -%} {%- elif repository_url is matching("(gitea\.|codeberg\.)") -%} {%- set git_platform = "gitea" -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {# Generate the commit history URL based on the git platform #} {%- if git_platform == "github" -%} {{ repository_url ~ '/commits/' ~ branch ~ '/content/' }}{{ relative_path | urlencode }} {%- elif git_platform == "gitlab" -%} {{ repository_url ~ '/-/commits/' ~ branch ~ '/content/' }}{{ relative_path | urlencode }} {%- elif git_platform in ["gitea", "codeberg"] -%} {{ repository_url ~ '/commits/branch/' ~ branch ~ '/content/' }}{{ relative_path | urlencode }} {%- else -%} {{ throw(message="ERROR: Unknown, unsupported, or unspecified git platform. If you're using a custom domain, please specify the 'git_platform' in the config. If you think this is a bug, please report it: https://github.com/welpo/tabi/issues/new?assignees=&labels=bug&template=bug_report.md&title=Unsupported%20Git%20Platform%20Detected") }} {%- endif -%}