{#- Display the current language first in the dropdown -#}
{{ macros_translate::translate(key="language_name", default=lang, language_strings=language_strings) }}
{#- Loop through all the available languages in the config -#}
{%- for lcode, ldetails in config.languages -%}
{#- Skip the current language to avoid linking to the current page -#}
{%- if lang == lcode -%}
{%- continue -%}
{%- endif -%}
{#- Dynamically load the language strings for each language -#}
{%- set other_language_strings = load_data(path="i18n/" ~ lcode ~ ".toml", required=false) -%}
{%- if not other_language_strings -%}
{%- set other_language_strings = load_data(path="themes/tabi/i18n/" ~ lcode ~ ".toml", required=false) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{#- Use the loaded language strings to get the language name -#}
{% set language_name = macros_translate::translate(key="language_name", default=lcode,
language_strings=other_language_strings) %}
{#- Check if the language code matches the default language -#}
{%- if lcode == config.default_language -%}
{#- If it does, link to the root path (no language code in URL) -#}
{{ language_name }}
{#- Check if the current language is the default language -#}
{#- If it is, append the language code to the base URL -#}
{%- elif lang == config.default_language -%}
{{ language_name }}
{%- else -%}
{#- If it's not, replace the current language code in the URL with the new one -#}
{{ language_name }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}