{%- set social_media_card = macros_settings::evaluate_setting_priority(setting="social_media_card", page=page | default(value=""), section=section | default(value=""), default_global_value="") -%} {% if social_media_card %} {# Get base path from page/section #} {% set base_path = "" %} {% if section and section.path %} {% set base_path = section.path | trim_end_matches(pat="/_index.md") %} {% if base_path and not social_media_card is starting_with("/") %} {% set base_path = base_path ~ "/" %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% set base_path = page.colocated_path | default(value="") %} {% endif %} {% set current_path = base_path ~ social_media_card | trim_start_matches(pat="/") %} {# Try parent path by removing the last directory component #} {% set parent_path = base_path | split(pat="/") | slice(end=-2) | join(sep="/") %} {% if parent_path and not social_media_card is starting_with("/") %} {% set parent_path = parent_path ~ "/" %} {% endif %} {% set parent_relative_path = parent_path ~ social_media_card | trim_start_matches(pat="/") %} {# Check all possible locations #} {%- set current_meta = get_image_metadata(path=current_path, allow_missing=true) -%} {%- set parent_meta = get_image_metadata(path=parent_relative_path, allow_missing=true) -%} {%- set absolute_meta = get_image_metadata(path=social_media_card, allow_missing=true) -%} {% if current_meta %} {% set final_path = current_path %} {% set meta = current_meta %} {% elif parent_meta %} {% set final_path = parent_relative_path %} {% set meta = parent_meta %} {% elif absolute_meta %} {% set final_path = social_media_card %} {% set meta = absolute_meta %} {% else %} {{ throw(message="Could not find social media card image. Tried: 1. Current page path: '" ~ current_path ~ "' 2. Parent page path: '" ~ parent_relative_path ~ "' 3. Absolute path: '" ~ social_media_card ~ "' Please ensure the file exists at one of these locations.") }} {% endif %} {% endif %}