{#- Setup -#} {%- set prefix = config.title | safe -%} {%- set custom_separator = config.extra.separator | default(value="•") -%} {%- set separator = " " ~ custom_separator ~ " " -%} {#- Get the base path for the current language -#} {%- if lang != config.default_language %} {%- set base_path = "/" ~ lang ~ "/" %} {%- else -%} {%- set base_path = "/" %} {%- endif %} {%- if current_path and current_path == base_path -%} {%- set suffix = "" -%} {%- set separator = "" -%} {% elif title %} {%- set suffix = title -%} {% elif section.title -%} {%- set suffix = section.title -%} {% elif page.title %} {%- set suffix = page.title -%} {% elif term.name %} {#- Individual tags -#} {%- set suffix = term.name -%} {% elif taxonomy.name %} {#- List of tags -#} {%- set suffix = macros_translate::translate(key=taxonomy.name, language_strings=language_strings) | capitalize -%} {% else %} {%- set suffix = "404" %} {%- endif -%} {#- Return the final concatenated string -#} {%- if config.extra.invert_title_order -%} {{- suffix ~ separator ~ prefix -}} {%- else -%} {{- prefix ~ separator ~ suffix -}} {%- endif -%}