{# The `random_id` ensures that each instance of the shortcode has a "unique" id #}
{# allowing individual interactive elements (like toggles) to function correctly. #}
{# This avoids conflicts when multiple instances of the shortcode are used. #}
{%- set random_id = get_random(end=100000) -%}
{%- set colocated_path = page.colocated_path | default(value="") -%}
{%- set lazy_loading = lazy_loading | default(value=true) -%}
{%- set inline = inline | default(value=false) -%}
{#- Determine the class for the images -#}
{#- Necessary for inline images -#}
{%- set tag = "div" -%}
{%- if inline -%}
{%- set tag = "span" -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- set img_class_list = "" -%}
{%- if inline -%}
{%- set img_class_list = img_class_list ~ " inline" -%}
{%- endif -%}
{# Direct or relative URL handling for default image #}
{%- if default_src is starting_with("http") or raw_path -%}
{%- set default_image_url = default_src -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set relative_default_path = colocated_path ~ default_src -%}
{%- set default_meta = get_image_metadata(path=relative_default_path, allow_missing=true) -%}
{%- if not default_meta -%}
{%- set default_image_url = get_url(path=default_src) -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set default_image_url = get_url(path=relative_default_path) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{# Direct or relative URL handling for toggled image #}
{%- if toggled_src is starting_with("http") or raw_path -%}
{%- set toggled_image_url = toggled_src -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set relative_toggled_path = colocated_path ~ toggled_src -%}
{%- set toggled_meta = get_image_metadata(path=relative_toggled_path, allow_missing=true) -%}
{%- if not toggled_meta -%}
{%- set toggled_image_url = get_url(path=toggled_src) -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set toggled_image_url = get_url(path=relative_toggled_path) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
<{{ tag }} class="image-toggler-container {% if full_width %}full-width{% endif %}">
{{ tag }}>