#!/usr/bin/env bash # Bash script to prepare a release using git-cliff. # Inspired by https://github.com/orhun/git-cliff/blob/main/release.sh set -eu VERSION_FORMAT="^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$" exit_with_message() { echo "$1" >&2 exit 1 } # Run only from default branch. default_branch=$(git remote show origin | sed -n '/HEAD branch/s/.*: //p') current_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) if [ "$current_branch" != "$default_branch" ]; then exit_with_message "Not on $default_branch branch. Switch to $default_branch before running this script." fi # Check for a clean working directory. if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then exit_with_message "Your working directory is dirty. Commit or stash your changes before running this script." fi # Ensure the local repository is up-to-date. echo "Updating local repository…" git fetch origin git_status=$(git status -uno) if echo "$git_status" | grep -q "Your branch is behind"; then exit_with_message "Your local branch is behind the remote. Pull the latest changes before running this script." elif echo "$git_status" | grep -q "Your branch is ahead"; then echo "Your local branch is ahead of the remote. Checking if local changes can be pushed…" if git push --dry-run &> /dev/null; then echo "Local changes can be pushed without conflicts. Proceeding with the release." else exit_with_message "Unable to push local changes. Resolve any conflicts before running this script." fi elif ! echo "$git_status" | grep -q "Your branch is up to date"; then exit_with_message "Unable to determine if branch is up to date. Check your git status manually." fi echo "Local repository is ready for release." # Check if a version tag is provided. if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then VERSION_TAG=$1 else suggested_version=$(git cliff --bumped-version) echo -n "No version tag provided. git-cliff suggests $suggested_version. Proceed? [Y/n] " read user_input # Check if input is empty or a variation of "yes". if [[ -z "$user_input" || "$user_input" =~ ^[Yy](es)?$ ]]; then echo "Proceeding with version $suggested_version." VERSION_TAG=$suggested_version else exit_with_message "Release preparation cancelled." fi fi # Verify that the version tag matches the expected format. if ! [[ $VERSION_TAG =~ $VERSION_FORMAT ]]; then exit_with_message "Version tag $VERSION_TAG does not match the expected format ${VERSION_FORMAT}." fi echo "Preparing release ${VERSION_TAG}…" echo # Update CHANGELOG. git cliff --tag "$VERSION_TAG" -o CHANGELOG.md sed -E 's/@([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/[@\1](https:\/\/github.com\/\1)/g' CHANGELOG.md > CHANGELOG.tmp && mv CHANGELOG.tmp CHANGELOG.md # Add all changes and commit. git add -A git commit -m "🔖 chore(release): prepare for $VERSION_TAG" # Generate the tag description. changelog=$(git cliff --tag "$VERSION_TAG" --unreleased --strip all) # Clean up tag's changelog; tag descriptions don't support markdown. # Remove PR links. changelog=$(echo "$changelog" | sed -E 's/\[\#([0-9]+)\]\(https:\/\/github\.com\/welpo\/[^\/]+\/(issues|pull)\/([0-9]+)\)/#\1/g') # Remove commit links. changelog=$(echo "$changelog" | sed -E 's/\[([0-9a-f]+)\]\(https:\/\/github\.com\/welpo\/[^\/]+\/commit\/([0-9a-f]+)\)/\1/g') # Remove scopes. changelog=$(echo "$changelog" | sed -E 's/\*\(([^)]+)\)\* //g') # Remove markdown headers. changelog=$(echo "$changelog" | sed -E 's/^#+ //g') # Remove version comparison lines. changelog=$(echo "$changelog" | sed '/https:\/\/github\.com\/.*\/compare\/.*/d') # Create a signed and annotated tag. git tag -s -a "$VERSION_TAG" -m "Release $VERSION_TAG" -m "$changelog" echo "Most recent commit:" git log -1 echo echo "Information for tag $VERSION_TAG:" git show $VERSION_TAG echo echo "Release $VERSION_TAG is ready. Don't forget to push the changes and the tag:" remote_url=$(git remote get-url origin) # Check if the URL is in SSH format (git@). if [[ "$remote_url" == git@github.com:* ]]; then https_url="https://github.com/${remote_url#git@github.com:}" https_url="${https_url%.git}" else https_url="${remote_url%.git}" fi echo "git push && git push --tags && open ${https_url}/tags"