# Necessary stuff. base_url = "https://welpo.github.io/tabi" title = "~/tabi" description = "tabi is a simple personal site and blogging theme for Zola." generate_feed = true compile_sass = true minify_html = true taxonomies = [ {name = "tags", feed = true}, ] [markdown] external_links_target_blank = true highlight_code = true highlight_theme = "css" [extra] # Enable JavaScript theme toggler for dark/light mode (and automatic switching). # The default setting is the light theme. theme_switcher = true # Date format used when listing posts (main page, /blog section, tag posts list…) # Default is "6th July 2049". long_date_format = "%d %B %Y" # Date format used for blog posts. # Default is "31st Dec 2011". short_date_format = "" # Custom separator used in title tag and posts metadata (between date, time to read, and tags). separator = "•" # Full path after the base URL required. So if you were to place it in "static" it would be "/favicon.ico" favicon = "" # This header image is used for SEO. For example if you were to share an image via Messenger/Instagram/Twitter a preview picture is also presented headerImage = "" menu = [ { name = "blog", url = "$BASE_URL/blog" }, { name = "archive", url = "$BASE_URL/archive" }, { name = "tags", url = "$BASE_URL/tags" }, { name = "projects", url = "$BASE_URL/projects" }, ] # The icons available can be found in "social_icons" in the "static" folder socials = [ { name = "atom feed", url = "$BASE_URL/atom.xml", icon = "rss" }, { name = "github", url = "https://github.com/welpo/", icon = "github" }, { name = "soundcloud", url = "https://soundcloud.com/oskerwyld", icon = "soundcloud" }, { name = "instagram", url = "https://instagram.com/oskerwyld", icon = "instagram" }, { name = "youtube", url = "https://youtube.com/@oskerwyld", icon = "youtube" }, { name = "spotify", url = "https://open.spotify.com/artist/5Hv2bYBhMp1lUHFri06xkE", icon = "spotify" }, ] # Custom security headers. What urls should your website be able to connect to? # You need to specify the CSP and the URLs associated with the directive. # Useful if you want to load remote content safely (embed YouTube videos, which needs frame-src, for example). # Default directive is self. # Default config, allows for https remote images and embedding YouTube and Vimeo content. # This configuration (along with the right webserver settings) gets an A+ in Mozilla's Observatory: https://observatory.mozilla.org allowed_domains = [ { directive = "img-src", domains = ["'self'", "https://*", "data:"] }, { directive = "script-src", domains = ["'self'"] }, { directive = "style-src", domains = ["'self'"] }, { directive = "frame-src", domains = ["player.vimeo.com", "https://www.youtube-nocookie.com"] }, ]