{#- Dynamically selects the appropriate translation key based on the provided `number` and `lang` context. If a `number` is provided, the macro will attempt to pluralize the translation key based on the language's rules. Parameters: - `key`: The base key for the translation string, matching the i18n files. Example: `results` to get `zero_results`, `one_results`, `many_results`, etc. - `number`: Optional. The numerical value associated with the key. - `language_strings`: A dictionary containing the translation strings. - `default`: A default string to use if no translation is found for the key. - `replace`: Optional. If `true`, the macro will replace the `$NUMBER` placeholder in the translation string with the provided `number`. The macro supports special pluralization rules for: - Arabic (`ar`): Has unique forms for zero, one, two, few, and many. - Slavic languages: Pluralization depends on the last digit of the number, with exceptions for numbers ending in 11-14. NOTE: If the logic for pluralization is modified, it needs to be replicated on the JavaScript search. Files: static/js/searchElasticlunr.js and its minified version at static/js/searchElasticlunr.min.js Function name: getPluralizationKey -#} {% macro translate(key, number=-1, language_strings="", default="", replace=true) %} {%- set slavic_plural_languages = ["uk", "be", "bs", "hr", "ru", "sr"] -%} {%- set key_prefix = "" -%} {#- `zero_` and `one_` are common cases. We handle "many" (plural) later, after language-specific pluralization -#} {%- if number == 0 -%} {%- set key_prefix = "zero_" -%} {%- elif number == 1 -%} {%- set key_prefix = "one_" -%} {%- endif -%} {#- Pluralization -#} {%- if number != -1 and key_prefix == "" -%} {#- Arabic -#} {%- if lang == "ar" -%} {%- set modulo = number % 100 -%} {%- if number == 2 -%} {%- set key_prefix = "two_" -%} {%- elif modulo >= 3 and modulo <= 10 -%} {%- set key_prefix = "few_" -%} {%- else -%} {%- set key_prefix = "many_" -%} {%- endif -%} {#- Slavic languages like Russian or Ukrainian -#} {%- elif lang in slavic_plural_languages -%} {%- set modulo10 = number % 10 -%} {%- set modulo100 = number % 100 -%} {%- if modulo10 == 1 and modulo100 != 11 -%} {%- set key_prefix = "one_" -%} {%- elif modulo10 >= 2 and modulo10 <= 4 -%} {%- if modulo100 >= 12 and modulo100 <= 14 -%} {%- set key_prefix = "many_" -%} {%- else -%} {%- set key_prefix = "few_" -%} {%- endif -%} {%- else -%} {%- set key_prefix = "many_" -%} {%- endif -%} {%- else -%} {#- Default pluralization -#} {#- Zero and one are already handled -#} {%- set key_prefix = "many_" -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {#- Translated string -#} {%- set final_key = key_prefix ~ key -%} {%- set translated_text = language_strings[final_key] | default(value=default) | safe -%} {#- Replace $NUMBER with the number -#} {%- if replace -%} {%- set translated_text = translated_text | replace(from="$NUMBER", to=number | as_str) -%} {%- endif -%} {{- translated_text -}} {% endmacro %}