{# Site title #} {%- include "partials/title.html" -%} {# Favicon #} {% if config.extra.favicon %} {% endif %} {% if config.extra.favicon_emoji %} {% endif %} {# Feed #} {# CSS #} {# Load subset of glyphs for header. Avoids flashing issue in Firefox #} {% if config.extra.custom_subset and config.extra.custom_subset == true %} {% elif lang == 'en' %} {% elif lang == 'es' %} {% endif %} {# Define array of CSS files to load. main.css is always loaded. #} {%- set stylesheets = [ "main.css" ] -%} {# Load extra CSS files from config.toml #} {%- if config.extra.stylesheets -%} {%- set stylesheets = stylesheets | concat(with=config.extra.stylesheets) -%} {%- endif -%} {# Load extra CSS files from page metadata #} {%- if page.extra.stylesheets -%} {%- set stylesheets = stylesheets | concat(with=page.extra.stylesheets) -%} {%- endif -%} {# Load extra CSS for custom skin #} {%- if config.extra.skin and config.extra.skin != "teal" -%} {%- set stylesheets = stylesheets | concat(with='skins/' ~ config.extra.skin ~ '.css') -%} {%- endif -%} {# Load all stylesheets #} {%- for stylesheet in stylesheets %} {%- endfor %} {%- if config.extra.browser_theme_color and config.extra.browser_theme_color is iterable -%} {# Handle array values: theme_color[0] for light mode, theme_color[1] for dark mode #} {%- elif config.extra.browser_theme_color -%} {# Handle single value #} {%- endif -%} {%- if page.description %} {%- elif section.description %} {%- elif page.summary %} {%- else %} {%- endif %} {% if is_404 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {# Image for social media sharing #} {%- set social_media_card = macros_settings::evaluate_setting_priority(setting="social_media_card", page=page | default(value=""), section=section | default(value=""), default_global_value="") -%} {% if social_media_card %} {# Try to construct the image path relative to the current page #} {% set colocated_path = page.colocated_path | default(value="") %} {% set file_path = colocated_path ~ social_media_card %} {# Fetch metadata to verify image existence at the relative path #} {%- set meta = get_image_metadata(path=file_path, allow_missing=true) -%} {# Check if relative path exists, else try absolute path #} {% if meta %} {% set final_path = file_path %} {% else %} {# If the relative path didn't work, try fetching metadata for the absolute path #} {% set meta = get_image_metadata(path=social_media_card, allow_missing=true) %} {% if meta %} {% set final_path = social_media_card %} {% else %} {# Throw an error if the image doesn't exist at either path #} {{ throw(message="Could not get metadata for the specified social media card image in page " ~ page.path ~ ". Attempted relative path: '" ~ file_path ~ "' and absolute path: '" ~ social_media_card ~ "'. Ensure the file exists at one of these locations.") }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {# Generate the social media meta tags #} {% endif %} {# Add og:locale and hreflang tags for multilingual sites #} {%- if config.languages | length > 0 and current_url %} {%- include "partials/multilingual_tags.html" -%} {%- else -%} {%- endif %} {# Set canonical URL #} {%- if current_url -%} {%- if page.extra.canonical_url or section.extra.canonical_url -%} {%- set canonical_url = page.extra.canonical_url | default(value=section.extra.canonical_url) -%} {%- elif config.extra.base_canonical_url -%} {%- set canonical_url = current_url | replace(from=config.base_url, to=config.extra.base_canonical_url) -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {# Add canonical URL, if set #} {%- if canonical_url -%} {%- elif current_url -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if config.extra.theme_switcher and config.extra.theme_switcher == true -%} {# If JavaScript is disabled, hide the button. #} {%- endif -%}