base_url = "" title = "~/tabi" description = "tabi is a fast, lightweight, and modern Zola theme with multi-language support, optional JavaScript, and a perfect Lighthouse score." author = "welpo" generate_feed = true compile_sass = true minify_html = true taxonomies = [ {name = "tags", feed = true}, ] [markdown] external_links_target_blank = true highlight_code = true highlight_theme = "css" default_language = "en" [] title = "~/tabi" description = "tabi es un tema de Zola rápido, liviano y moderno con JavaScript opcional y una puntuación perfecta en Lighthouse." generate_feed = true compile_sass = true minify_html = true taxonomies = [ {name = "tags", feed = true}, ] [] title = "~/tabi" description = "tabi és un tema de Zola ràpid, lleuger i modern amb JavaScript opcional i una puntuació perfecta a Lighthouse." generate_feed = true compile_sass = true minify_html = true taxonomies = [ {name = "tags", feed = true}, ] [] language_name = "Español" date_locale = "es_ES" # Menu items. blog = "blog" archive = "archivo" tags = "etiquetas" words = "palabras" projects = "proyectos" # Other text. tags_title = "Todas las etiquetas" 404_error = "La página que has solicitado parece no existir o aún no se ha traducido a tu idioma. Revisa la URL en busca de errores o" go_home = "regresa a la página de inicio" read_more = "Leer más" all_posts = "Todas las entradas" all_tags = "Todas las etiquetas" min_read = "min de lectura" powered_by = "Impulsado por" and = "y" post = "entrada" posts = "entradas" prev = "Anterior" next = "Siguiente" of = "de" draft = "BORRADOR" table_of_contents = "Tabla de contenido" last_updated_on = "Última actualización el" show_original_quote = "Mostrar cita original" show_translation = "Mostrar traducción" load_comments = "Cargar comentarios" # Quotation marks for multilingual quote shortcode. open_quotation_mark = "«" close_quotation_mark = "»" [] language_name = "Català" date_locale = "ca_ES" # Menu items. blog = "blog" archive = "arxiu" tags = "etiquetes" words = "paraules" projects = "projectes" # Other text. tags_title = "Totes les etiquetes" 404_error = "La pàgina que has sol·licitat sembla que no existeix o encara no s'ha traduït al teu idioma. Comprova l'URL per detectar errors o" go_home = "torna a la pàgina d'inici" read_more = "Llegir més" all_posts = "Totes les entrades" all_tags = "Totes les etiquetes" min_read = "min de lectura" powered_by = "Propulsat per" and = "i" post = "entrada" posts = "entrades" prev = "Anterior" next = "Següent" of = "de" draft = "ESBORRANY" table_of_contents = "Taula de contingut" last_updated_on = "Última actualizació el" show_original_quote = "Mostra la cita original" show_translation = "Mostra la traducció" load_comments = "Carregar comentaris" # Quotation marks for multilingual quote shortcode. open_quotation_mark = "«" close_quotation_mark = "»" [extra] = "Català" language_name.en = "English" = "Español" # Enable JavaScript theme toggler for dark/light mode (and automatic switching). # The default setting is the light theme. theme_switcher = true # Add a "copy" button to codeblocks (loads ~700 bytes of JavaScript). copy_button = true # Date format used when listing posts (main page, /blog section, tag posts list…) # Default is "6th July 2049" in English and "%d %B %Y" in other languages. long_date_format = "%d %B %Y" # Date format used for blog posts. # Default is "31st Dec 2011". short_date_format = "" # Custom separator used in title tag and posts metadata (between date, time to read, and tags). separator = "•" # Full path after the base URL required. So if you were to place it in "static" it would be "/favicon.ico" favicon = "" # Add an emoji here to use it as favicon. # Compatibility: favicon_emoji = "🌱" # This header image is used for SEO. For example if you were to share an image via Messenger/Instagram/Twitter a preview picture is also presented headerImage = "" menu = [ { name = "blog", url = "blog/" }, { name = "archive", url = "archive/" }, { name = "tags", url = "tags/" }, { name = "projects", url = "projects/" }, ] # The RSS icon will be shown if (1) it's enabled and (2) the following variable is set to true. feed_icon = true # The icons available can be found in "social_icons" in the "static" folder. socials = [ { name = "github", url = "", icon = "github" }, { name = "soundcloud", url = "", icon = "soundcloud" }, { name = "instagram", url = "", icon = "instagram" }, { name = "youtube", url = "", icon = "youtube" }, { name = "spotify", url = "", icon = "spotify" }, ] # Custom security headers. What urls should your website be able to connect to? # You need to specify the CSP and the URLs associated with the directive. # Useful if you want to load remote content safely (embed YouTube videos, which needs frame-src, for example). # Default directive is self. # Default config, allows for https remote images and embedding YouTube and Vimeo content. # This configuration (along with the right webserver settings) gets an A+ in Mozilla's Observatory: allowed_domains = [ { directive = "font-src", domains = ["'self'", "data:"] }, { directive = "img-src", domains = ["'self'", "https://*", "data:"] }, { directive = "script-src", domains = ["'self'"] }, { directive = "style-src", domains = ["'self'"] }, { directive = "frame-src", domains = ["", ""] }, ] # Custom subset of characters for the header. # If set to true, the `static/custom_subset.css` file will be loaded first. # This avoids a flashing text issue in Firefox. # Please see to learn how to create this file. custom_subset = true # Quick navigation buttons. # Adds "go up" and "go to comments" buttons on the bottom right (hidden for mobile). # Can also be enabled on individual posts in the front matter's [extra]. quick_navigation_buttons = false # giscus support for comments. # Setup instructions: [extra.giscus] enabled_for_all_posts = false # Enables giscus on all posts. It can be enabled on individual posts by setting `giscus = true` in the [extra] section of a post's front matter. automatic_loading = true # If set to false, a "Load comments" button will be shown. repo = "welpo/tabi-comments" repo_id = "R_kgDOJ59Urw" # Find this value in category = "Announcements" category_id = "DIC_kwDOJ59Ur84CX0QG" # Find this value in mapping = "slug" # Available: pathname; url; title; slug. "slug" will use the post's filename (slug); this is the only way to share comments between languages. strict_title_matching = 1 # 1 to enable, 0 to disable. enable_reactions = 1 # 1 to enable, 0 to disable. comment_box_above_comments = true light_theme = "noborder_light" dark_theme = "noborder_dark" lang = "" # Leave blank to match the page's language. lazy_loading = true # utterances support for comments. # Setup instructions: [extra.utterances] enabled_for_all_posts = false # Enables utterances on all posts. It can be enabled on individual posts by setting `utterances = true` in the [extra] section of a post's front matter. automatic_loading = true # If set to false, a "Load comments" button will be shown. repo = "yourGithubUsername/yourRepo" # issue_term = "slug" # Available: pathname; url; title; slug. "slug" will use the post's filename (slug); this is the only way to share comments between languages. label = "💬" # light_theme = "github-light" # dark_theme = "photon-dark" # lazy_loading = true