title = "A Complete Guide to Series"
date = 2024-11-08
description = "Learn how to organize your posts into sequential series, perfect for tutorials, courses, and multi-part stories."
tags = ["showcase", "tutorial", "FAQ", "series"]
quick_navigation_buttons = true
toc = true
mermaid = true
social_media_card = "social_cards/es_blog_series.jpg"
A series organizes related posts in a sequential order, similar to chapters in a book. Unlike tags, which simply group related content, series suggest a specific reading order from start to finish.
Posts within a series do not need to be published consecutively; the series feature brings together thematically linked posts in a coherent sequence.
The diagram below illustrates how series posts (3, 5, and 8) exist within the main blog flow while maintaining their own ordered sequence within Series 1.
{% mermaid(full_width=true) %}
subgraph main[BLOG]
P1[Post 1]
subgraph series1[SERIES 1]
PS1["Series Post 1 (=P3)"]
PS2["Series Post 2 (=P5)"]
PS3["Series Post 3 (=P8)"]
P3 o-.-o PS1
P5 o-.-o PS2
P8 o-.-o PS3
{% end %}
## Quick Start
1. Create a directory for your series.
2. Create `_index.md` in the series directory.
3. Set up the `_index.md` front matter:
{{ add_src_to_code_block(src="series/_index.md") }}
title = "Learning Rust"
template = "series.html"
sort_by = "slug"
transparent = true
series = true
4. Create your series articles in this directory.
Want more? Keep reading!
## How Do Series Work?
A series is just a section which is handled in a special way by tabi. For more details on sections, see the [Zola documentation](https://www.getzola.org/documentation/content/section/).
Taking the example from the diagram above, the directory structure would be as follow:
To create a series, you need to:
1. Use the `series.html` template
2. Set `series = true` in the section's `[extra]` configuration
3. Enable `transparent = true` to integrate series posts with the parent blog section
The series main page displays an overview followed by a list of all posts in the series:
{{ dual_theme_image(light_src="blog/series/img/series_light.webp", dark_src="blog/series/img/series_dark.webp" alt="a series", full_width=true) }}
## Jump to Posts
If the content of a series (the Markdown after the front matter in `_index.md`) is over 2000 characters, a "Jump to posts" link appears next to the series title.
{{ dual_theme_image(light_src="blog/series/img/jump_to_series_posts_light.webp", dark_src="blog/series/img/jump_to_series_posts_dark.webp" alt="jump to series posts link", full_width=true) }}
To force the feature on or off, set `show_jump_to_posts` in the `[extra]` section of your series section or in `config.toml`. This setting follows [the hierarchy](@/blog/mastering-tabi-settings/index.md#settings-hierarchy).
## Series Pages and Order
All pages in the series section will be a series page. The series pages will be ordered as per the series section `sort_by`.
While series maintain their own internal order, they remain independent from the main section's (e.g. `blog/`) chronological flow thanks to the `transparent` setting.
### Sorting Options
Choose from these sorting methods, each with its own advantages:
{% wide_container() %}
`sort_by` | pros | cons
`slug` | The series pages order is made explicit in the path (e.g. `example.com/blog/series1/01-series-post-one`). | Each series page must be prefixed accordingly.
`weight` | The series pages order is easy to set up transparently.
First series post has weight `1`, second series post has weight `2` and so on. | Each series page must have its weight set accordingly.
`date` | The series pages order can be configured once in the series section configuration. No need to do anything on each series page. | The series pages order has to be reversed because the first page is usually the oldest. This can only be achieved by paginating the series section (`paginate_by = 9999`) and reversing its order (`paginate_reversed = true`).
{% end %}
{{ admonition(type="danger", title="Zola version to sort by date", text="In order to properly reverse dates, Zola v0.19.3+ (unreleased) is required so that pagination information is available through the `get_section` function. Anything relying on the series pages order won't be correct in a series page otherwise (e.g. previous/next series page, ordered and unordered list…) See [Zola PR #2653](https://github.com/getzola/zola/pull/2653).") }}
### Page Indexing
Pages in a series are indexed starting from 1, following their `sort_by` order. To reverse the indexing (making the first page have the highest index instead), add this setting to `_index.md` or `config.toml`:
post_listing_index_reversed = true # Defaults to false if unset.
{{ dual_theme_image(light_src="blog/series/img/series_reversed_light.webp", dark_src="blog/series/img/series_reversed_dark.webp" alt="a series with indexes reversed", full_width=true) }}
This setting follows [the hierarchy](@/blog/mastering-tabi-settings/index.md#settings-hierarchy).
## Intro and Outro Templates
Series articles can have automatic introduction and conclusion sections. These are configured in your series' `_index.md`. A basic example:
{{ add_src_to_code_block(src="series/_index.md") }}
default = "This article is part of the $SERIES_HTML_LINK series."
default = "Thanks for reading part $SERIES_PAGE_INDEX of $SERIES_HTML_LINK!"
The intro and outro sections each have their own CSS classes (`series-page-intro` and `series-page-outro`), allowing you to customize their appearance through [custom CSS](@/blog/mastering-tabi-settings/index.md#custom-css).
### Template Types
The series system uses different templates based on an article's position in the series:
- `next_only` - Used for the first article (has next article but no previous)
- `middle` - Used for articles with both previous and next articles
- `prev_only` - Used for the last article (has previous article but no next)
- `default` - Fallback template used when a specific position template isn't defined
The system automatically determines which template to use based on the article's position. The templates are defined in the series configuration (`_index.md`), as `extra.series_intro_templates` and `extra.series_outro_templates`.:
{{ add_src_to_code_block(src="series/_index.md") }}
next_only = "Welcome to part 1! Next up: $NEXT_HTML_LINK"
middle = "Previous: $PREV_HTML_LINK | Next: $NEXT_HTML_LINK"
prev_only = "The final chapter! Previously: $PREV_HTML_LINK"
All templates are optional. Template selection follows a priority system:
1. If a position-specific template exists (`next_only`, `middle`, or `prev_only`), it will be used
2. Otherwise, the `default` template is used
3. If no templates are defined at all, no series information will be displayed
See the [template example](#template-example) for a more elaborate example.
### Placement in Content
By default:
- Series introductions appear at the start of your article
- Series outro appears at the end (before footnotes, if any)
You can control exactly where these appear using `` and `` in your Markdown:
This paragraph appears before the series introduction.
Main content of the article.
## Learning Resources
Extra content…
[^1]: Footnotes will always appear at the end.
## Variables
Series templates use a flexible variable system that lets you:
1. Reference series information (title, links)
2. Add navigation between articles
3. Show progress indicators
4. Include custom information using your own variables
Variables are placeholders starting with `$` that get replaced with actual content when your site builds. For example, `$SERIES_HTML_LINK` becomes a clickable link to your series index page.
There are three types of variables:
- [**Basic Series Variables**](#basic-series-variables): General information about the series
- [**Navigation Variables**](#navigation-variables): Links to previous/next articles
- [**Custom Variables**](#custom-variables): Your own placeholders for additional information
### Basic Series Variables
{% wide_container() %}
| Variable | Availability | Returns | Description | Example Usage | Example Output |
| `$SERIES_TITLE` | Always | Text | Plain text title of the series | `Part of $SERIES_TITLE` | Part of Learn Rust |
| `$SERIES_PERMALINK` | Always | Text | URL to series index | `[See all posts]($SERIES_PERMALINK)` | [See all posts](/series/learn-rust) |
| `$SERIES_HTML_LINK` | Always | HTML | Ready-to-use link to series | `Welcome to $SERIES_HTML_LINK!` | Welcome to Learn Rust! |
| `$SERIES_PAGES_NUMBER` | Always | Number | Total articles in series | `A $SERIES_PAGES_NUMBER part series` | A 5 part series |
| `$SERIES_PAGE_INDEX` | Always | Number | Current article's position | `Part $SERIES_PAGE_INDEX of $SERIES_PAGES_NUMBER` | Part 3 of 5 |
| `$SERIES_PAGES_OLIST` | Always | HTML | Ordered list of all articles | `Articles in series: $SERIES_PAGES_OLIST` | Articles in series: