{% extends "base.html" %} {% block main_content %} {# Throw an error if the section is not flagged as a series. #} {# This page would be displayed properly but it would become impossible for the series' child pages to reference their series. #} {%- if "series" not in section.extra or not section.extra.series -%} {{ throw(message="Section is not flagged as a series. Set `section.extra.series` to `true` if you want to use `series.html` template.") }} {%- endif -%}
{%- if section.extra.header %} {%- include "partials/home_banner.html" -%} {% endif -%} {%- set show_jump = false -%} {%- set show_jump_hierarchy = macros_settings::evaluate_setting_priority(setting="show_jump_to_posts", page=section) -%} {%- if show_jump_hierarchy == "true" -%} {%- set show_jump = true -%} {%- elif show_jump_hierarchy != "false" -%} {#- Default to true if the content is long and var is unset #} {%- if section.content | length > 2000 -%} {%- set show_jump = true -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {%- if show_jump -%}

{{ section.title }}

{{ macros_translate::translate(key="jump_to_posts", default="Jump to posts", language_strings=language_strings) }} ↓
{%- else -%} {{ macros_page_header::page_header(title=section.title) }} {%- endif -%}
{{ section.content | safe }}

{{ macros_translate::translate(key="all_posts", default="All posts", language_strings=language_strings) }}

{%- if paginator %} {%- set pages = paginator.pages -%} {% else %} {%- set pages = section.pages -%} {% endif -%} {% set max_posts = section.extra.max_posts | default(value=999999) %} {{ macros_list_posts::list_posts(posts=pages, max=max_posts, metadata="indexes", language_strings=language_strings, section_path=section.path, paginator=paginator | default(value="")) }}
{% if paginator %} {%- include "partials/paginate.html" -%} {% endif %}
{%- include "partials/extra_features.html" -%} {% endblock main_content %}