+++ title = "No mandatory JavaScript" date = 2023-01-06 updated = 2023-08-02 description = "JavaScript is only used when HTML and CSS aren't enough." [taxonomies] tags = ["showcase", "tutorial"] +++ This theme has no mandatory JavaScript. Optionally, it can load a minimal amount to add some features that are impossible to achieve with HTML and CSS. ## Globally enabled settings The **light/dark mode switch** can be enabled by setting `theme_switcher = true` in the `[extra]` section of your `config.toml` (~900 bytes of JavaScript). ## Settings that can be enabled globally and for individual posts The following settings can be enabled globally for all pages or specifically for individual posts: - [**KaTeX support**](@/blog/markdown.md#katex). Enabled by setting `katex = true` (274 KB). - [**One-click copy of code blocks**](@/blog/markdown.md#code-block). Enabled by setting `copy_button = true`. (~700 bytes) - [**Footnote backlinks**](@/blog/markdown.md#1). Enabled by setting `footnote_backlinks = true` (~500 bytes). To enable these settings globally, add them in the `[extra]` section of your `config.toml` file. To enable for individual posts, set the corresponding variables in the `[extra]` section of the post's front matter. - [**Comments**](@/blog/comments.md). giscus (2 KB), utterances (1 KB), Hyvor Talk (~800 bytes) or Isso (1KB) can be globally enabled by setting `enabled_for_all_posts = true` in the right section of your `config.toml` (i.e. `[extra.giscus]`, `[extra.utterances]`, `[extra.hyvortalk]` or `[extra.isso]`). To enable comments on individual posts, set the name of the system `= true` (e.g. `hyvortalk = true`) in the post's front matter. Other than that, it's a fast theme with HTML and CSS which works with JavaScript disabled. Just the way (most of) the web should be :-)