@ -42,11 +42,16 @@ map('n', '<leader>k', '<cmd>lprev<CR>zz', options) -- Go to previous item in glo
-- Toggle the window if there are items in the qfixlist; allow recursive
-- Toggle the window if there are items in the qfixlist; allow recursive
map('n', '<leader>q', '<cmd>call ToggleQFList(0)<CR>', {}) -- see plugin/navigation.vim for ToggleQFList definition
map('n', '<leader>q', '<cmd>call ToggleQFList(0)<CR>', {}) -- see plugin/navigation.vim for ToggleQFList definition
-- git
-- GIT
-- top level commands
map('n', '<leader>gs', '<cmd>G<CR>', options) -- Show git status
map('n', '<leader>gs', '<cmd>G<CR>', options) -- Show git status
map('n', '<leader>gc', '<cmd>G commit<CR>', options) -- git commit
map('n', '<leader>gc', '<cmd>G commit<CR>', options) -- git commit
map('n', '<leader>gp', '<cmd>G push<CR>', {}) -- git push
map('n', '<leader>gp', '<cmd>G push<CR>', {}) -- git push
-- merge
map('n', '<leader>gh', '<cmd>diffget //3<CR>', options) -- merge from left pane
map('n', '<leader>gl', '<cmd>diffget //2<CR>', options) -- merge from right pane
-- LSP
-- LSP
-- Use an on_attach function to only map the following keys
-- Use an on_attach function to only map the following keys
-- after the language server attaches to the current buffer
-- after the language server attaches to the current buffer